sâmbătă, 14 septembrie 2013

Happy Birthday DAD!

Tomorrow is my dad's birthday! :) 
You can find this image as a digi stamp and make your own birthday card too ! just go to WhimsyStamps!

miercuri, 11 septembrie 2013

It's been a while!

Hello guys!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything lately but I moved out and had bad internet connection + lots of weddings and events to photograph this summer! but I still worked on illustrations and handmade : D ..I must admit I really need a vacation now... but I am really glad things are working out both ways :) Hope you guys had a really great summer!

I'll be posting pictures with some of my projects! Brace yourselves It'll be a lot :P

My latest acrylic nursery painting and you can check my sister's shop on Etsy she makes those amazing toys!


Hand painting t-shirts was crazy this summer! This one's made with an image I made for a digital stamp. If you like it you can purchase it on Whimsystampz

Handmade cards using my own digital stamps you can fin more on THE WHIMSYSTAMPS page :)

This is a handmade birthday card and hand painted tank top for a really special girl :)

Another one of my famous personalized  recipe notebook ;)

Wedding place cards and favours and a personalized invitation design! Still have more of these going on right now :D ( I need some elves please!!!)

And last but not least my latest editorial illustration work! 

Phew that's a lot in one post isn't it! What have you guys been up to lately? 
Feel free to share your links to you work in a comment if you want : D 

Have a great creative day today! 
xoxo Lia